Food has great influence on your Great Dane's lifetime



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March, 11 2014

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How is your Gentle Giant? Does he feel good just because you are near? Yes, he does, undoubtedly. He needs your presence most, more than dainties or something else. It is one of the sweetest living beings indeed, who is extremely tender and loving as well as faithful and powerful. Besides having these best qualities Great Dane looks like airy-fairy creature due to its perfect body-build and fantastic grace. He seems to have been created by God himself.
Is he particular about food? Definitely, he loves meat most. All carnivores should eat animal food in order to be healthy and strong. But, there are required feeding rules to be observed by loving dog handlers. Correct food intake influences the condition of dog coat. The better is meal the more shiny is the hair. 



Brief information about Great Dane

The homeland of Great Dane is Germany. The Great Danes appeared in 15th century and are considered to be the offspring of the Molossian dogs and English Smooth Hounds...








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